Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Love Yourself As Your Guardian Angel Loves You

Every morning, after entering in a state of communion with God's love and His divine will, we invoke our guardian angel for 7 minutes and we ask him to teach us to love ourselves the way he loves us, for the entire course of the day. In the next hours we will pay attention to our actions and attitudes, exactly like we would pay attention to a person who says that he loves us, but his actions doesn’t show it and we try to understand what his real feelings are. It is necessary a lucid and detached observation, not for hunting the mistakes, but to understand the mechanisms that our mind uses in order to deprive us from love. Every time we observe thoughts or actions which cause pain, or when we encounter complicated situations in our relationships which cause pain, we ask our guardian angel to continue to teach us how to love ourselves, without trying to blame others, we will assume that is because our lack of love for ourselves.
One of the mistakes we make is the feeling that we don’t deserve love when we make mistakes. When we feel guilty, we refuse love and we remain in that circle forever. From a divine point of view, the one who was lost and makes a mistake needs more love in order to straighten up.
In the parable of the lost son, Jesus speaks about a father who divided his property between his two sons. One of them left to a distant country where he spent all he had, while the other one stayed at home and worked day and night for his father. When the lost son came back home with nothing in his pockets, his father celebrated his return with a feast, saying to his other son who got angry because he was never praised in this way, although he never disobeyed his father:
“‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”
That’s why, in the moments when we think that we made mistakes and we are waiting to be punished or we start punishing ourselves, we can invoke the help of our guardian angel like this:
“Beloved guardian angel, please help me to love myself exactly the way I am now: sad, scared and confused, because I know that you love me even now and you want me to learn how to give this kind of unconditional love to myself and others.”
This is a mature way of loving. If we are incapable to give it to ourselves, we are less capable to give it to others.
At the end of the 7 days of practicing this method, we will make a meditation of synthesis in which we will seek to see the differences which appeared in the way we look at ourselves. During these 7 days or in the next ones we will be able to see beneficial transformations in our interactions with others and with the people we meet randomly. If this method will be practiced in a couple, it will harmonize and deepen the relationship between the two lovers.

Love yourself as your guardian angel loves you:
He will never hurt your soul in order to save your image. He never makes you feel discouraged, because he knows your infinite inner treasure. He never tells you that you are helpless, because he and other angels are always ready to help you when you need. He doesn’t tell you that he is not going to love you anymore because you made a mistake. But he will not look at you with tolerance while you persevere in mistake, because this will make you fall deeper in mistake, but he will help you get out of there with love, compassion, patience and understanding.

I honor the divinity within you! Namaste!

With love,

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