Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fill your life with beauty!

Since I was a child I used to seek beauty in everything: in nature, admiring the beauty in flowers and trees, or listening to the sounds of nature, the beauty of a blue summer sky or the beauty of the sea or the ocean; later on I discovered beauty in art, in paintings, in music or  literature; going even further I started to admire beauty in people, especially the one coming from their hearts. For me, admiring beauty is a spiritual path which always takes me beyond the manifestested world, it takes me to the source of Beauty which is God. Still, He manifests it in various and unique ways and there is something which amazes me every time I think about it: the fact that we are all beautiful in a way or another, which is UNIQUE and which makes us SPECIAL in this world. Some people have a beautiful face or smile or a beautiful body. Some are courageous, some are kind and loving, some are compassionate to others, or giving. Some have a pure heart, or a strong will, or a capacity to forgive others very easily. We can learn from all of the qualities that other people have and if we wish to have them too, we can sincerely admire them in others. In this way we will awaken them in us as well, through transfiguration.
Seek to see and admire beauty in everything around and you will fill your entire being with the beauty you see in others. Make it a daily exercise and in this way you will not only awaken beautiful qualities in other people, but in you too. This is one simple way to make this world become a better place!
My spiritual guide and mentor, Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru says in his book, which I recommend to everyone who seeks to have a happy and harmonious couple relationship: “The Secret Tantric Path Of Love to happiness and fulfillment in a couple relationship”

"Great delights appear in our being when we carefully and emotionally contemplate beauty.”
"A beautiful body, full of harmony and charm is a recommendation of mother nature (MAHASHAKTI)."
“When a woman really awakens her state of Shakti, the greater her beauty, the greater her secret power and her wisdom are.”
"A woman is very beautiful for the one who loves her."
“This is what it means to let yourself be guided by your heart’s desires and intuition so that you discover the wonderful universe of love. You begin from everything that is beautiful and then you rise yourself by admiring them, using them with wisdom, exactly like steps. You rise in this way more and more happily from one beautiful body to two, and from two to all the beautiful bodies. Then from all the beautiful bodies, you rise to those experiences that are overwhelmingly beautiful states, you rise to that hidden knowledge that in fact is nothing but the mysterious wisdom of beauty, which reveals in the end that beauty in itself is one with God the Father.”
And he continues:
“A wise man once said:  "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." We can all see that beauty has a mysterious glow. In its essence, any kind of beauty is mystical, whether we are dealing with a beautiful face, or with a harmonious and wonderful body that we cannot forget, with transcendent moments that we can never erase from our memory or with extraordinarily sublime music that fills our heart with enchantment and joy. Beauty inspires us indescribably, enlightens us, lifts our mind and exhilarates our soul.
Beauty is as mysterious and sublime in the material world as it is in the spiritual world. Beauty brings the sense organs into a wonderful and pleasant state of effervescence – how many of us have exclaimed upon seeing a fascinating person, “What a beautiful woman!” as well as spiritual sensitivity, compelling us to marvel at an extraordinary spiritual experience as sublime.
The initiated ones know that beauty allows for the communication between the two universes, the physical and the astral. When beauty is embodied in a harmonious shape, regardless of what that is, becoming aware of that beauty leads inevitably to a state of transcendence.
The remarkable capacity of beauty to be simultaneously immanent and transcendent explains why we all look for it, why it makes us all emotional, why it excites us and why we notice in it the measure that gives value to the soul.
Beauty fascinates and enchants us because it gives access to a secret reality that transcends ours. This secret reality is the astral universe. Any body of a woman or man, which is special because of its beauty, invites all other bodies to overcome themselves and to reach that level. Beautiful moments give us the impulse to do something to multiply them.
The very special beauty of a work of art invites us to refine and transform our own expression. The wonderful, harmonious sounds of a beautiful piece of music trigger immediately in our inner universe beneficial, harmonious, beautiful processes of occult resonance with certain energies from the universe. At the same time, the sounds encourage us to abandon ourselves in front of the wonderful, melodious manifestation that fills our heart and triggers secret states of euphoria and even happiness in our being. When we are enchanted by an intense joy, the veil of illusion lifts and at lightning speed, allows us to perceive through enlightening, divine flashes, the mysterious, sacred structure of the existence. In all these moments, we find ourselves, even if we don’t clearly realize it, in the presence of real beauty, and in our beings, the eternity that unceasingly embraces us, is mirrored.
Knowing the secret resonances of beauty, make unceasing efforts to fill your life with it. When you find beauty, admire it and allow it to enlighten your soul. Fill your life unceasingly with beautiful states, sounds, perfumes, emotions and moments. Real art and true music – sublime, harmonious, spiritual music – represent a genuine party of beauty.
Constantly seek beauty as much as possible, and when you find it, react full of admiration toward it.
Let yourself be constantly embraced and surrounded by beauty and do not forget that it reflects the soul in the same way that our soul is the reflection of the eternal beauty of God the Father.”

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