Friday, August 12, 2011

Techniques for Forgiveness Part 2

Here are 2 techniques for forgiveness which I practiced and I still practice in my daily life and it proved to be very efficient.  Every time I have to deal with health problems, for example, I know that my body wants to send me the message that I had a wrong attitude towards people, situations or events in my life. I become more and more conscious that everything happens for a reason and I attract the people and situations which I deserve and make me grow, helping me to learn my lessons in this lifetime. Recently I embrace every person and situation in my life as being a gift from God and although some of them might seem to be difficult at the first glance, I understand that there is a hidden message they want to tell me and a hidden lesson they help me to learn. In this way, I accept everything as an opportunity to learn and evolve spiritually and  I am grateful for everything which happens in my life.

Then I immediately undergo a process of introspection or reflexion, in which I review my attitudes and I recognize and accept full responsibly for my mistakes. Applying the techniques for forgiveness I harmonize my relationships with other people and also make changes within myself.

I also realized over the years that although sometimes I have the feeling that I overcame some obstacles and I removed some mind patterns, if they were not completely accepted and transformed into something better, they tend to come back and create the same problems over and over again. That's why, I applied these techniques for forgiveness for longer periods of time, until I attained a state of detachment towards the people or situations involved in this process.

The first step I take is to make a list with all the people and situations in which I felt hurt or mistreated and then another list with the people I hurt or mistreated myself. Then I apply this technique for forgiveness with every person from my lists, sending the healing energy of forgiveness to those persons and myself. I also wrote messages to all the people in my lists asking for forgiveness or telling them that I sincerely forgave them. Some of the people answered to my messages, some not, but either way, I know that I did the best I could in order to restore the balance and harmony in my past or present relationships. When I feel a state of detachment and acceptance of a person or situation in my life, that is the sign that the process of forgiveness was successful. It feels like a burden is taken from my shoulders and I become very light, happy and free.

What I think is very important also, is to assume full responsibility for all my actions or reactions to the events and situations. Being responsible means to stop blaming others for what's going on in my life. It means to look with lucidity and sincerity inside my own being and see what can I make to improve my life. We are the creators of our life in every moment. When we become fully responsible for everything we think, feel or say and for all our actions, we no longer blame others for anything. Responsibility is a sign of maturity and is the first step in the journey towards self-awareness, together with sincerity. From this moment on we can say that we become more and more conscious and present in our life and we will see that our entire life will change in better every day, regaining its harmony and even healing at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

 These techniques for forgiveness were given by my spiritual mentor, Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru, and you can find them in his exceptional book: "The Secret Tantric Path of Love to Happiness and Fulfillment in a Couple Relationship".

click here to read more about the book

Technique for forgiveness #1:.
"To forgive, you must attract in your inner universe, through invocation, the subtle energy of forgiveness. This can be done through sincere, humble, and loving imploring for help from God the Father. After you have consecrated the fruits of this action to God, ask Him to pour into your being the divine energy of forgiveness.
Standing up, facing towards East, say the following prayer:

"God Almighty, Heavenly Father, I beg you with all my humility to pour into my being your divine energy of forgiveness. I implore to help me forgive totally and unconditionally all that has caused me grief, intentionally or not. Thank you for listening to my prayer and for helping me. Amen."

Say this simple prayer at least seven times, and every time, in the end, feel in your being how the divine energy of forgiveness flows, through the top of the head downwards, flooding your entire being. When you feel this flow of energy stop, start the second repetition of the prayer and continue in the same way with each repetition.
At the end of these prayers think clearly of the person you wish to forgive and the actions or situations for which you forgive them. Then feel how the divine energy of forgiveness operates in an ineffable way. At the end feel a state of relief and purification which shows that the energy of forgiveness has accomplished the annihilation of suffering with success.
In the end, you will have the opportunity to validate the efficiency of forgiveness through the appearance in your being of a state of complete detachment towards the aspects, situations, actions that have caused you to suffer as well as the person who provoked them."

Technique for forgiveness #2:

As before, start by saying the above prayer at least 7 times. After you have charged your being with the divine energy of forgiveness, go on to the next stage.

 Think about the person who hurted you or who made you suffer. Keeping yourself in his shoes, aim to think with lucidity and detachment about what you would have done if you had been in their place, under the exact same circumstances. Ask yourself honestly and with maximum lucidity and detachment, how would you have reacted?

Immediately after that, examine the person who created that suffering or pain, outside the context in which she/he has offended us, imagining that person in a completely different context or setting. For example, imagine how the person you are trying to forgive looked in childhood, or even better, remember, as exactly as possible, a specific situation when the two of you got along really well. At the end of this visualisation exercise, remain with the eyes closed, in a state of recollection, and then aspire to open your heart fully, invoking the help of God the Father and asking Him to fill your heart and being with the subtle energy of His infinite compassion. At the end of this action, the state of complete detachment should appear. When forgiveness is taken to completion with the help of the divine subtle energy attracted in our being from the macrocosm, it represents a twofold grace: for the person who is forgiving, this is a liberating feeling that also eliminates sadness, suffering, tension, and anxiety that often flow uninterrupted in the absence of forgiveness.

The state of detachment that is settling in shortly after the forgiveness is completed, shows that you have succeeded to forgive completely. If the state of detachment is not settling in, redo the process until you are successful.

When we don't forgive the person who has hurt us, the state of suffering and pain remains continuously in our inner universe. Judgment contracts the soul and exposes it to endless suffering, but forgiveness frees immediately form these wounds and pains, and by calming it, forgiveness enables the soul to blossom."

The energy of forgiveness can be attracted continuously in our being through invocation and sincere aspiration. We only have to take one step towards it and we will see even miracles happening in our life: miraculous healing, a divine state of happiness and love without limits, the disappearance of prejudices and mental patterns and a state of purity of the mind and soul which take us to the next step in our evolution. When we have pure thoughts, our life will be pure as well. Aim to always attract the divine energy of forgiveness in yourself and you will become a radiant source of love and purity!

I honor the divinity within you! Namaste!

With love,


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