Friday, August 12, 2011

Techniques for Forgivenes Part 1

Many times I asked myself this question: "Why is it so important to forgive those who hurt us and even to forgive ourselves?" The answer is because holding resentments towards a person, hurts not only the other person, but mostly ourselves and can lead to pain, sufferance and illness, due to the resonance with inferior energies. But many times forgiveness is a beautiful idea, until we have to put it in practice in our own life. In this article I will try to put together some ideas and techniques for forgiveness which proved to be successful.

 Many times memories from the past seem to emerge from our deepest levels of the subconscious mind and although our present life situations have nothing to do with the past and are completely harmless, we judge them and the people we interact with, based on our memories.

Let's see what is the structure of the mind and how these memories emerge from our subconscious mind?
Our mind has 3 basic levels: the sub conscious mind, which is the deepest level, the conscious mind which is active during our daily activities, or it should be active if we would be completely awakened and the super conscious mind, which is beyond the former two, more like a witness which lives completely present in the moment of now. Above all and ultimately the source of all is the Divine Intelligence.

According to the Ho'oponopono teachings, the ancient Hawaiian system of healing, problem solving and transformation, brought to the world by Morrnah Simeona, who was the original founder of the Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono courses, continued  by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len from Hawaii,
 "The subconscious mind experiences mimicking, echoing, replaying. It behaves, feels, sees and decides exactly as memories dictates. The conscious mind, too, operates, without  its awareness, by  memories replaying. The subconscious mind and conscious mind, comprising the Soul,  do not generate their own ideas, thoughts, feelings and actions. The Soul does not generate experiences of its own. It sees as memories see. It feels as memories feel. It behaves as memories behave and decides as memories decide. Or, rarely, it sees, it feels, it behaves and decides as Inspiration sees, feels, behaves and decides.
It is crucial in problem  solving to realize that the body and the world are not the problems in and of themselves, but the consequences, the effects of memories replaying in the subconscious mind!
Who's in charge?
The Void is the foundation of Self I-Dentity, of Mind, of the Cosmos. It is the precursor state to the infusion of Inspirations from Divine Intelligence into the Subconscious Mind.

Memories replaying displace the Void of Self I-Dentity, precluding the manifestation of Inspirations.
To remedy this displacement, to reestablish Self I-Dentity, memories need to be transformed to Void through transmutation by Divine Intelligence.

Ho'oponopono involves the full participation of the four members of Self I-Dentity: Divine Intelligence, Super Conscious Mind, Conscious Mind and Sub Conscious Mind - working together as a unit of one. The Super Conscious Mind is memory-free , unaffected by memories re-playing by the Sub Conscious Mind. It is always one with the Divine Intelligence.The only requirement for Inspiration, Divine Creativity, is for Self I-Dentity to be Self I-Dentity. To be Self I-Dentity requires incessant cleansing of memories.

So who's in charge? Inspiration or memories re-playing? The choice is in the hands of the Conscious Mind."

The basis of this system is the following prayer:

"I am sorry.
Please, forgive me.
Thank you.
And, I love you!"

Here forgiveness plays an important role in the process of healing and transformation.

“The repentance is feeling sorry for the data or memory in me that is the problem. The next step is forgiveness from the Divinity; to forgive whatever this data is that causes me to perceive a patient to be sick. The final step is called “transmutation” which only the Divinity can do. The Divinity will take whatever memories are in me, that I perceive the patient as being sick, convert it to zero; transmute it from a thought-form to pure energy; release the energy from my mind, and now I’m back at zero which means no judgment. The next step is insight. The insight moves in and the Divinity tells you what you can do next"

click here to learn more about Ho' oponopono

I would add here that practicing awareness, being conscious all the time, being connected to the Super Conscious Mind, attunes us with the flow of Divine Inspiration. And here, living completely and fully in the present moment is the fundamental key.

Eckhart Tolle speaks about living in the present moment in his book "The Power of Now" and he gives many keys for awakening and becoming conscious of who we really are: Divine beings.
He says that "Forgiveness means to stop being discontent and in this way, we renounce sufferance.
Forgiveness means to stop opposing or resisting our life's events - means to allow life to live through us. The alternatives are pain and sufferance, the diminishing of the vital energy and in many cases, physical illness.
When you truly forgive, you withdraw your power from the domination of mind. Your mind cannot forgive. Only you can. Become present in your own body, feel the peace and the vibrant silence overflowed by the Being. That's why Jesus said:
"Before you enter the temple, forgive!"

click here for The Power of Now

In her book about the metaphysical causes of illnesses, "Your Body is Telling You: Love Yourself", Lise Bourbeau says that:
"The only path to complete and permanent healing is through self-forgiveness and the forgiveness of others."

click here to see the book on

She also gives the steps of forgiveness:

"1. Identify your emotions.

2. Take responsibility
Simply means acknowledging that you are choosing to react out of fear. Accept that something inside you is attracting this person or situation in your life to help you get over the hurt that has been present since childhood.

3. Accept the other person and let go
Put yourself in their shoes and begin to see things from their perspective and better understand their intentions.

4. Forgive yourself
This is the most important step in forgiveness. It helps you make peace with yourself. Forgive yourself for having judged, criticized or accused the other person

5. Have the desire to express forgiveness
Imagine yourself face to face with the person concerned, telling them that because you were hurting, you have judged, criticized or condemned them.

6.  See the person involved
Express your thoughts and feelings to that person, saying you regret your accusation, judgement or resentment

7. Make the connection to the past
Look back at the events of your life and find a similar circumstance that relates to an authority figure: a father, mother, grandparent, teacher. This person is usually of the same sex as the person you were accusing. Then, to liberate yourself, go over this 6 steps with the person from the past.

Take as much time as you need to go over these steps. It may take a day, a month, a year, but what is important is that you do this with sincerity.
Letting go through forgiveness doesn't mean that you agree with the offense. Rather, you see beyond the offense. You are able to look into the other person with the eyes of love, compassion and understanding."

Read more about other techniques of forgiveness in the next article.

I honor the divinity within you! Namaste!

With love,


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