Friday, May 13, 2011

Be Generous With Compliments For Your Lover!

The person we are in love with deserves compliments, praise and an intense state of admiration and gratefulness. Our compliments, our intense state of admiration and the sincere praise will always fill their heart with joy and besides this it will awaken in them those latent qualities or will amplify those latent qualities that are already awakened in them through the triggering of specific processes of resonance.
Usually women are very generous with compliments for their lovers. Men in particular have this prejudice which is common in them, that they should not express their admiration for their lover through praise and compliments because then she will not give them the attention and love they deserve and all those compliments will only make her proud. Sometimes men dare to say “I love you” only extremely rare to the women they are in a relationship. These are serious errors in the relationships. Once the woman being seduced by the man, because of her obvious exceptional qualities, which in the beginning generated admiration in man and a strong attraction such as: a beautiful and harmonious body, a sense of humor, the delicacy of her skin, erotic magnetism, brilliant intelligence, special sensitivity and beauty, men become lazier and even stingy with their compliments. These compliments are a balm for a woman’s soul and can trigger in her the awakening of more and more qualities and can also strengthen the emotional connections that unify the two lovers.
Intense and deep transfiguration, compliments, praise and sincere and unconditional admiration help not only the being, but the heart to open, thus giving life to the awakened soul who benefits from all of these.
If you really aim for your relationship to double in in tremendous joy and happiness, if you frantically love and at the same time consider yourself to be loved by an extraordinary person whose qualities and gifts you have noticed at the beginning of the relationship, then endeavor to have almost always a deep transfiguring view of them and never be stingy with compliments, appreciation and praise, every time they deserve them. Be as generous as possible and even marvelous with compliments, of course, without giving up sincerity.
 I can say that every time I receive compliments and sincere appreciations, my heart feels nurtured and my entire being transforms in an extraordinary way. We, as women, are very sensitive and appreciative when our lovers tell us how beautiful, intelligent or attractive we are. We are like flowers which open their petals and grow when they are nurtured with love and watered every single day. In this way we become more conscious about our qualities, some of them maybe we never were aware of before. More than that, saying "I love you" as often as possible to each other is a secret ingredient which makes our hearts open to receive more and more love. As Saint Augustine said: "The only measure of love is to love without measure."
 It is a magical phenomenon which creates a deeper bond between the two lovers and enriches the relationship. In the same way, when a man receives compliments for their qualities and talents, they become more aware about who they really are, their self-confidence increases and the relationship evolves.
So always remember to say "I love you!" and be generous in complimenting your lover for all his/her qualities and talents!
I honor the divinity within you! Namaste!

With love,

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