Friday, July 1, 2011

What is the Divine Love? Message from Archangel Raguel, June 30th, 2011

I wanted to know more about the divine love and I asked Archangel Raguel to give me more details about it. This is his answer:
"The divine love or God’s love for His entire creation is one of the greatest mysteries. It is the source of the entire creation.

In the beginning, there was nothing but the thought of God which manifested as creation through the divine love. The divine love is the primordial source of the creation and of all the states of happiness of human beings.

Imagine a river which flows. Where it comes from? A little stream appears from the mountain and then it gets bigger and bigger through the water of the rain which falls in that place. So is divine love: it’s the stream from which appear all nuances of human love. The human being lives through the force of this stream and develops adding to this stream her own nuances through which she contemplates the beauty of creation of God and of all His creatures.

Every human being has her own, unique way to feel love. She feels, creates, admires the beauty around her and when another human being joins her in this contemplation of beauty, they create a couple. Their love grows as much as the power of their contemplation of the beauty in the other being and the entire creation is.

You don’t have to limit your contemplation only to one aspect of creation, but all together. See the beauty and the sublime in the totality of God’s creation.

What you admire in a being you love, exists in you as well. There is nothing apart from you.

You recognize in this being the beauty within you and this is what you admire in her. She is your mirror and you see in the mirror those qualities which awaken your soul. This state of admiration is essential in love and without it you won’t be able to love anyone and anything.

When you go out in the nature, admire the purity of the scenery, but you will find this in you too. Everything exists inside your being: nature with its beauties, the cities with its people. Your being is a whole universe. You are very complex beings, endowed with remarkable qualities which you are not conscious about.
But beyond all these infinite nuances of perception, there is the source of everything which is God the Father. In Him you will find the divine love, which is the source of all your feelings of love. It is pure, omniscient (knows everything), omnipresent (exist everywhere) and capable of miracles. It knows everything and through it you can know everything too.

How can you discover the divine love?

Through the opening of your spiritual heart. There you will find it, in your Divine Self Atman (the spark from God the Father which exists in your spiritual heart), which is pure, immaculate, just like divine love.

Only when you reveal your Divine Self Atman in your being you will be able to love with a divine love, because only in this way you reach the source of all love and you will melt in the Heart of God.

You may think it’s difficult. You may think that you are restricted continuously by limitations and conditions outside your being. You lack self-confidence. This shows that you don’t trust your Self and the power of God. Trust is one of the secrets of success on this path. Trust Him, the Divine Father and He will show you the way! But the way is already imprinted in your heart.

Believe that you are divine, beautiful, free, harmonious human beings! Don’t listen to the voice of your ego which tells you to not trust anybody and anything! Listen to the voice of your heart and it will always show you the way to Goodness, Truth and Beauty."

I honor the divinity within you! Namaste!

With love,

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