Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What is Love? Message from Archangel Raguel May 24th, 2011

Preparing my radio show about love, I asked Archangel Raguel - the Archangel of Divine Justice and Harmony-  to tell me what is love and this is His message:

May 24th, 2011

“Love is the most beautiful of all human feelings. It comes directly from God.  The beings who love are gifted by God with wonderful qualities of the soul. Even those who don’t know how to love yet, are able to learn how to love, because they were born with the same potential qualities as all other beings on Planet Earth.

A soul, who loves, instantaneously arises into God’s Kingdom and ennobles everything around.

The hunger for love is something which is characteristic to the people nowadays. All their desires which they seek to fulfill in the external world come from their lack of love. This can be fulfilled through the simple act of loving at least one human being, a flower, a plant, a pet or a scenery from nature. The more human beings you love, the more ideas, aspirations, plants, and animals you love, the closer you are to God the Father. To love only one human being during your lifetime is a grace, but to love more human beings is Divine, is a grace bestowed upon those who ASK for it. Don’t put a limit to your love. Be free to love as much as possible, let love flow through you, open your heart to love and many miracles will appear for each of you in this Divine state.

Love is an endless stream which flows through and in your heart, it’s inside and outside your being and it does not belong to you. Then why should you limit it to only one human being? While there are so many other beings looking for love even without knowing what they are looking for? When you will love with a pure and detached love as many human beings as possible, this planet will become the Planet of Love, chosen by God to flourish the Divine Love in it. What can be more beautiful than living on a planet of love? These times are close, but it waits for you to take the first step towards the Divine Love.

Ask and you shall be given. Knock and it will be open to you. All the treasures from the Kingdom of God and from Heavens will bestow upon those who love with a Divine Love, which is beyond limitations and expectations. It’s pure like the purest water of a mountain lake and it doesn’t ask for anything in return. It doesn’t expect anything. It doesn’t look for anything else than the happiness of the being it bestows upon. Imagine a river which flows and overcomes all the stones in its way. In the same way the Divine Love overcomes all the obstacles put in its way, which are: egotism, selfishness, the desire to receive instead of giving, jealousy and expectations of all kinds.

Let the river of love flow through your bodies and they will be healed from all illnesses. The healing power of love is unlimited. Love can heal the person you are in love with even from a chronic disease which they might have had for years. Send to your beloved this love directly from your heart, every day, at the same time. Close your eyes and let this love bestow upon them and you will see miracles happening in their life. But never think that you healed them. Love and only love which comes from God heals everything, forgives everything, purifies everything.

Love is also light, the inner Light you see sometimes it’s the love of God for you. Let yourself be caressed by it, bathed in this love-light and your body will never know illness and death. You will become immortal and you will melt in Light for eternity. In fact, the state of enlightenment is to melt in the Divine Light. Then you will reach perfection. Pray to God the Father to love with His love for people, not with your love for them. Your love is limited now. You see a beautiful being and say: I want to be with her for the rest of my life! But you fall in love with her appearance not with her soul. When you will fall in love with her soul, only then you love with a Divine Love. A person is beautiful for the one who loves her, but if you look carefully around you, ALL human beings are beautiful in their own, unique way. Love the Divine Essence form each human being and you will see your soul being enriched with the light from their soul and in this way you will become light. When you talk to someone, look into their eyes and you will see the light from their soul will filling the space between the two of you. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Look people in the eyes, don’t avoid their eyes, and don’t avoid their soul. Every being you meet in your life, was sent to deliver a message for you and you will have to find that message.

How can we love with a Divine Love?

Open your heart immediately and it will lead your steps in the direction you need to follow to evolve spiritually. Give up hatred, jealousy and envy and in this way, purifying your heart, you will discover the most precious treasure from your heart: the Divine Love."

I honor the Divinity within you! Namaste!

With love,

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